Cambodia is a broken country. Not long ago in its history lives the gruesome tale of genocide, which has scarred this country forever. In the 70's, many of the nations educated people were killed for the sake of social reform as Pol Pot tried to turn Cambodia communist. The effects of it are seen today as poverty thrives.
We entered Cambodia to the north, through a border town called Poi Pet, and stayed the night at a ministry there. As I was going into the building where we were staying, I was followed by a boy, who looked to be about 12 or 13 years old. He was following behind me and saying something in Khmer. I could tell that he wasn't all there, in his head anyway, and he was dirty and had some slobber around his mouth, that was forming a drip and making its way to his chin. I wasn't sure what to do because here was this street boy in the building with me, and I didn't really know the people in this ministry and I wasn't sure how appropriate it was to have this little boy wandering around with me. My fear was quickly absolved when a girl from the ministry rounded the corner, saw the little boy, and broke out a smile and yelled out his name. "John Cena!" A huge smile spread across his face, as the girl introduced me to the infamous John Cena. Thats not his real name, you see, as John Cena is a famous wrestler, it's just a nickname that he somehow earned, and I'm not sure of the story behind it.
I went on to learn that John Cena was actually 17 years old, and was a regular at the ministry. They told us about how when he was born, his mother gave him alcohol to drink instead of milk, and beat him severely for no reason. The scars on the back of his head told this story, as did his lack of motor skills.
But man could this kid smile. He's up there with the best of them, I'm sure.
It broke my heart to see this kid, who did nothing to deserve what he's been dealt. He spends the day begging, and makes enough to be able to buy food, and that's his life. As he sat with us at dinner that night I fought back the tears as I looked upon him and thought about the things stolen from this beautiful child.
John Cena was a beautiful, yet cruel, reminder of the state of this broken country.