Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sometimes angels sing

I work with a guy named Joey. Born and raised in Mt. Vernon, New York. I think I called him George for the first month that I worked with him. Not sure if it was my lack of hearing or his lack of pronunciation, but the name George entered my head for some reason on that first day. I felt so lame when I asked the manager of the shop if I should check with George about something and he looked at me funny and asked “who’s George?” Hey, its hard keeping track of names in a new environment right? Anyway, Joey works in the paint room, spending the day painting and finishing cabinets, putting all the finishing touches on our work. He has his own little room in the back corner of the shop where he spends time with paint fumes and a radio blaring the best of southern gospel. He has been on a southern gospel trip lately, so we have had the privilege of hanging with the Gaithers, Gold City, Imperials, and Cathedrals. Those aren’t new names to me, as my father loves southern gospel music, and I grew up hearing those tunes flood the house daily. The first day that Joey played that station, my mind went scrambling back to those days, when my father would play his southern gospel music and walk around the house, waiving his arm like a chorus conductor and singing along. Occasionally throughout the day we hear Joey singing along with the radio, going for the high notes and all. All of us at the shop stop for a second, look at each other, and chuckle under our breath. A round of smiles all around.

I park beside Joey almost everyday, and when I get out of my car, my eyes always fall on the little white new testament that sits on his front seat. He goes out there and reads during his breaks and for lunch. And everyday, like clockwork, there is Joey, singing his songs. I’ve been meaning to ask Joey where he gets his joy, but I think I already know the answer.

I’m not exactly sure what the role of angels are in this world, but if I’m right, sometimes angels sing.

Thanks for singing Joey. The world is now brighter.


  1. Matty... update your blog more or I will beat you up!!!

    I have checked back daily since realizing you had one and NOTHING!

    I wont really beat you up but I do want you to know that I love reading what you write and I am exited about this blog. Miss you!

  2. I really can spell excited. Sometimes.

  3. what sweet memories you have! i love how you link the past with the present....your view is great to hear!!
