Friday, February 25, 2011

Laziness and Liberty

 In Bhutan, the church is underground. There is not liberty to worship out in the open or to have a church building where you can freely meet every Sunday. The fellowships meet in homes throughout the country, in the privacy of their homes. But God is doing crazy things in this nation and the believers have seen an increasing amount of freedom as some key leaders in the church have had an audience with the Prime Minister, and have been able to ask questions and speak on behalf of the christian population. For the first time in the history of Bhutan, the leadership has said that you are allowed to have the freedom of belief, although it is not widely known as fact throughout the country, which is why the believers still meet underground. It was amazing to see what the Lord is doing there!
 It was an honor to sit among believers that risked their lives to meet and worship the Lord. I didn't feel worthy to sit among them, and many times during worship, as we raised our voices in song, I couldn't help but let a few tears slip away from me. It was overwhelming. It was in this time that I felt so convicted of my laziness with my liberty. Oh the freedom that we have as Americans! I can dance, sing, and shout from a mountaintop what the lord has done for me, without fear of being persecuted, other then a sarcastic comment or a laugh. I'm talking about the physical type of persecution. Like getting beaten or dying for what you believe. Or having your house raided and all your belongings destroyed, because you lifted up the name of Jesus.
 I have so many resources to glean from and opportunity to learn! I can read my bible in the open, I have Barnes and Nobles at my fingertips, full of words to learn from. But I have been so lazy with this opportunity. I'd rather watch movies and do mindless activities then spend time delving deeper into the stories of history or learning about something pertinent to life.
 I have what other people long for. Freedom. Freedom to study what I want, freedom to say what I want, freedom to do what I want. Why am I so lazy with this opportunity? I guess when you enjoy something for so long you begin to lose sight of how precious a thing you really are holding. You take it for granted until its taken away from you, and then when its taken away, it feels like your eyes are suddenly opened, and you kick yourself for not seeing what you really had. I want my eyes to be opened before it is taken away. To be able to see opportunity that has been afforded me my whole life. To grasp it and run with it, for the sake of bringing it to others. Freedom. Many long for it. When its given, it's taken for granted. Oh that I may live with the opportunity that goes with my freedom!

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