Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Southern Comfort

Today, as I was working out in the cold, I couldn't help but think of the warmer weather of the Carolina's. It gets cold this time of year, but not as cold as the good ole' damp northeast. Here lives the cold that cuts to your bones and makes any venture outside a task that is dreaded. I feel bad for the trees. They stand so tall, with their arms stretched out, with their bare bones naked to the wind, without the opportunity to move except to sway as the wind sees fit. Sorry trees. I suppose you should all move to the Carolina's.

I get a warm feeling inside when I think of South Carolina. Wherever I have lived, it seems that the place comes with a certain feeling, one I suppose that is created by the environment that you are in. The people surrounding you, the job or whatever it is that you do, the things you are involved in. To me, South Carolina is the feeling of a deep sigh, on a crisp spring day, when the cherry blossoms are sprouting pink, and the faithful sun falls on you in all your dreariness. A peace that lands on burdened shoulders.

My memories of South Carolina made me smile today, and it brought that feeling to my heart.

Carry on, sweet southern comfort, carry on...

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