Sunday, August 30, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Useless Tears, Useless Fears

How many times do my tears flow, to the sound of something useless? So many. When the tears are spent, and time is taken to ponder why the tears flowed, I sometimes find that they were spent on worthless things. Spent on useless fears that I have allowed to stand in front of my eyes. There are many kinds of tears, of course, to many there is a freedom for, and many that need no apology. But the ones from fear I find flow from a place where I am failing to trust. As if my tears are undermining the faithfulness of the Lord. He is faithful! Why do I fear? I guess part of the journey is learning to trust when I can't see.
I think back on times in my life when I couldn't see, and had fear inside, because my destiny was so unclear. But every time, things always turned out ok, with the exception of the time wasted on fear. Worrying about this and that. It's so useless. Why can't I learn?
For the past week, Billy and I have been in a province of Thailand, spending time with my friend Casey and his family. We have been cruising around in Casey's truck and many times as we were climbing into the back seat where his daughter was located, she would take one look at us and start crying. I just wanted to communicate to her that we weren't there to hurt her but exactly the opposite! We are her friends! But it was impossible to communicate that. No matter how many smiles I threw her way, the tears still flowed. Useless tears.
I wonder if God feels the way I felt. Trying to communicate something, but to no avail. How many times has He tried to communicate to me that there is nothing to fear, but my tears keep flowing. Useless tears for useless fears....
Monday, August 17, 2009
Red Lights and Dignity
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Some Hope
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Thailand, Bhutan, Thailand
Monday, August 3, 2009
What? The Sky is Blue?

This was the view from my hotel room here in Bangkok. It's like this for as far as the eye can see in all directions. This city is immense, and its thick with concrete and people. The first few days were hazy and overcast and I couldn't tell if it was actually cloudy or if it was just the smog that makes its home above this city. I was going to compare it to LA, but it's incomparable. In LA you can escape the smog simply by leaving the city, but here it is all city. Its inescapable. I suppose there is a reason you see so many people wearing masks over their faces. There have been many times already that have been overwhelmingly uncomfortable because of the lack of clean air. My lungs only being able to find diesel fumes to breathe. Mix that with some sweat drenching heat and your likely to pass out, or at least a be a little dizzy. I've had to stop and catch my breath more than once. I had forgotten that the sky was even blue, until about the third day, when I caught it peeking at me through the clouds. I miss the blue skies of South Carolina already.