Sunday, August 30, 2009


So I've decided to take my pictures off of here and refrain from posting until I can get a watermark in them and copyrighted. Hopefully I'll be able to figure something out here soon so that I can get to posting soon!

What I need to do is buy Photoshop, but at $700 its kind of spendy....sigh

Anyone have a copy just layin around?? ha

Until then I have a lot to write about...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Useless Tears, Useless Fears

How many times do my tears flow, to the sound of something useless? So many. When the tears are spent, and time is taken to ponder why the tears flowed, I sometimes find that they were spent on worthless things. Spent on useless fears that I have allowed to stand in front of my eyes. There are many kinds of tears, of course, to many there is a freedom for, and many that need no apology. But the ones from fear I find flow from a place where I am failing to trust. As if my tears are undermining the faithfulness of the Lord. He is faithful! Why do I fear? I guess part of the journey is learning to trust when I can't see.

I think back on times in my life when I couldn't see, and had fear inside, because my destiny was so unclear. But every time, things always turned out ok, with the exception of the time wasted on fear. Worrying about this and that. It's so useless. Why can't I learn?

For the past week, Billy and I have been in a province of Thailand, spending time with my friend Casey and his family. We have been cruising around in Casey's truck and many times as we were climbing into the back seat where his daughter was located, she would take one look at us and start crying. I just wanted to communicate to her that we weren't there to hurt her but exactly the opposite! We are her friends! But it was impossible to communicate that. No matter how many smiles I threw her way, the tears still flowed. Useless tears.

I wonder if God feels the way I felt. Trying to communicate something, but to no avail. How many times has He tried to communicate to me that there is nothing to fear, but my tears keep flowing. Useless tears for useless fears....

Monday, August 17, 2009

Red Lights and Dignity

It was an interesting night the other night, walking the streets of Bangkok, the neon signs lighting my path, and sultry eyes hoping to meet mine and win my approval. As I walked by one woman, she slid her arm in mine, and proceeded to walk as if she was mine. Others would tap my arm and try to get my attention. I had a hard time looking people in the eye, not because of shame, like some of the fellows there, but because all I could think about was what those women were thinking about. I felt that if I met eyes with one of those women, they would be thinking that I was evaluating them. Looking them up and down to see if they were good enough to take home with me. As if searching for a perfect steak to take home and grill. That's all these women are to many of the men that visit this place. Nothing but a little bit of pleasure. All lined up along the street, or at the bar, waiting for someone to come pick them so that they could lavish their fake love on their fake lovers in return for some cash. I had a hard time walking through those streets, cause I knew that when those people saw me, they would assume the reasons as to why I was there. I mean the color of my skin and the air of those streets, what else would one assume?

We sat at Starbucks for a while and chatted, and all the while I could see a few girls standing along the street, right outside the window. I saw a man come up to one of the girls and lean over and whisper some things in her ear, to which she looked away, contemplating wether or not it was worth the money. He persistently tried to talk her into something, but she refused and he eventually gave up. I was somewhat encouraged that she had strength to say no, for it revealed that dignity was still alive, somewhere in her soul. Oh that she would know the dignity that she really carries!! That she would know the One true lover of her soul!

But how to convey this?

Gotta be continued...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Some Hope

"If you have hope, then it doesn't matter what you DON'T have, but if you don't have hope, then it doesn't matter what you DO have"....from the mouth of a homeless man, circa: sometime in the last ten years, as quoted from Ivan, Ywam-Thailand. Basically to say that he doesn't need to find a job, find a house, get a car...none of those things will "set him straight"....He simply needs hope.

This quote popped out to me in a conversation yesterday, and it resonated in my heart. At times in my life when I had no hope, all the material things in this world meant nothing. My car and all the material things that I owned times ten couldn't really provide me with anything that I really needed. But yet how many times do you see people looking to material things to provide purpose or happiness? How many times have I done this?

Do you have Hope? Because there is a river of Hope that never stops flowing. I think that I'm slowly learning to grasp this. Learning that it is there for me daily. Available to all, all the time. Will I take the opportunity to connect my heart to it? Because it takes a decision on my behalf, to make the time to set my eyes before the One who makes hope possible.

Make some time!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Thailand, Bhutan, Thailand

So I arrived in thailand on the 3oth of July, spent the next few days jet lagged out of my mind, almost in a delirious stage, waiting for friends to arrive in Bangkok. On the 5th of August, 5 of us cruised to Bhutan for an epic time of life. We maximized our time there, being that it was only 5 days and was super expensive, and now we have landed back in good ole bangkok. Now it's just me and Billy. Three of the five of our team has flown back to their respective places and we are going to be here for a few days before heading to northern Thailand. My access to internet has been limited, and so the opportunity to sit down and write has been limited. But no more. Free internet access and lots of time. At least this week. This week Billy and I are figuring out the next leg of our trip and it is during this time that I'm gonna try and process my trip to Bhutan and post a few pics!
I was taken aback by what Bhutan held for me. I wasn't ready for its beauty. Its beauty of land, but mostly its beauty of people. There is a gentleness that rests upon this people, that is not only felt, but is seen, deep in their eyes.
Bhutan has been one of the most isolated nations in the world, and the government takes great measures to preserve their culture and identity. In recent years though, with the internet and cell phone markets seeping into the country, Bhutan has seen the increasing pull of the modern world. Television and internet were banned until 1999. It was weird being in a village and seeing everyone on a cell phone. Until recently, everyone was required to wear the traditional garb, but we encountered many people who weren't wearing it. Especially in the younger generation we saw what looked like kids who were watching too much mtv. The governments measures do work in many respects. The only way into the country is through a travel agency and the government monitors everything that tourists do. Travel agents must submit papers at the end of a trip, telling of all the sights that were seen, the hotels stayed at, and food that was eaten. It was such a unique country! I was amazed at its preservation despite the influx of the internet and cell phone usage. I am excited to process what happened in my heart during my time there, but suffice it to say that I am forever impacted by what I saw and the people I met.
The next couple of days I will be posting pictures from my time there and attempting to write about what I experienced there.

Monday, August 3, 2009

What? The Sky is Blue?

This was the view from my hotel room here in Bangkok. It's like this for as far as the eye can see in all directions. This city is immense, and its thick with concrete and people. The first few days were hazy and overcast and I couldn't tell if it was actually cloudy or if it was just the smog that makes its home above this city. I was going to compare it to LA, but it's incomparable. In LA you can escape the smog simply by leaving the city, but here it is all city. Its inescapable. I suppose there is a reason you see so many people wearing masks over their faces. There have been many times already that have been overwhelmingly uncomfortable because of the lack of clean air. My lungs only being able to find diesel fumes to breathe. Mix that with some sweat drenching heat and your likely to pass out, or at least a be a little dizzy. I've had to stop and catch my breath more than once. I had forgotten that the sky was even blue, until about the third day, when I caught it peeking at me through the clouds. I miss the blue skies of South Carolina already.

It has been a rough transition so far. My stomach feels iffy and I have locked eyes with 4 a.m. more this week than any human should in a lifetime. I am 11 hours ahead of east coast US time, which makes my day east coasts night. Which means when its time to go to bed here, its time to wake up there. I don't remember having so much difficulty transitioning during my other travels but for some reason my body clock doesn't want to change. Maybe i need new batteries...I woke up at 3 a.m. this morning and couldn't sleep! It's day 6 0f this and a good nights sleep is calling my name. I have been finding myself exhausted at about 4 p.m. everyday and have, probably to my error, taken a quick nap to ward off the impending dreary eyes. Maybe I'll skip the nap today and exchange it for sleep tonight. It's easy to say now, but when 4 p.m. rolls around, a nap is quite tempting.

There has been much on my mind so far. Wondering about what this trip holds for me, the places my feet will tread, and the people I will meet. What will come from this heaven only knows. But there is hope in my heart. Hope that somehow, someway the Lord will use me to touch the life of another person. The past month has been a whirlwind of working out details and preparing for this journey, so it has been nice having a few days to settle down and settle in. I am so grateful for this opportunity and so thankful for the way the Lord has made this a reality.

A huge thanks goes out to those who have supported me financially. I have been blown away by your generosity and your eagerness to sow into me has caught me off guard. I am encouraged that you believe in me! Thank you!

This is just the beginning and I hope to stay steady with updates! (although I have yet to define steady in my world haha)...and I leave you with this...

Thailand Travel Tip #1:

When using a public restroom, make sure that you grab all the toilet paper that you need BEFORE going into the stall. Its located outside of the stall(what the heck? for your convenience?). The last thing you want to do is be sitting there and realize that the stall walls are bare of any type of accessories. You better hope that your wearing socks that day.