Saturday, August 15, 2009

Some Hope

"If you have hope, then it doesn't matter what you DON'T have, but if you don't have hope, then it doesn't matter what you DO have"....from the mouth of a homeless man, circa: sometime in the last ten years, as quoted from Ivan, Ywam-Thailand. Basically to say that he doesn't need to find a job, find a house, get a car...none of those things will "set him straight"....He simply needs hope.

This quote popped out to me in a conversation yesterday, and it resonated in my heart. At times in my life when I had no hope, all the material things in this world meant nothing. My car and all the material things that I owned times ten couldn't really provide me with anything that I really needed. But yet how many times do you see people looking to material things to provide purpose or happiness? How many times have I done this?

Do you have Hope? Because there is a river of Hope that never stops flowing. I think that I'm slowly learning to grasp this. Learning that it is there for me daily. Available to all, all the time. Will I take the opportunity to connect my heart to it? Because it takes a decision on my behalf, to make the time to set my eyes before the One who makes hope possible.

Make some time!

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