Sunday, November 29, 2009
These Hard Times
Give me something I can see
Give me something vicious
Give me something I can be
Give me all the love and peace
To end these wars
Give me something sacred
Something worth fighting for
It's clear enough to me
The ugliness I see
Is evidence of who I need
Give me an answer
Give me a way out
Give me the faith
To believe in these hard times
Give me motivation
Give me all my heart's desires
Show me something gorgeous
Show me till my eyes get tired
Give me all the drums and
Show me how to play them loud
Show me how to move
When I can't feel that you're around
It's clear enough to me
The ugliness I see
Is evidence of who I need
Give me an answer
Give me a way out
Give me the faith
To believe in these hard times
We hide like theives in shadows
Scared of the sun
We know the light will find us
Us and all we've done
Give me an answer
Give me a way out
Give me the faith
To believe in these hard times
I love these guys
Friday, November 6, 2009
Another Circle
Since being here, my heart has felt weird. I love being here and all, seeing family and friends, but I just feel so lost. All the adventures and traveling and trying to keep life exciting have all been amazing, but haven't led me too far. I kinda feel like I've been running in circles for years, working a little, then going on an adventure. Then back to work and then when sick of it, go on to another adventure. I thought with the purchase of a house this would all stop and I would fall into some sort of stability, but nope, here I sit, post adventure, wondering whats next. I'm not sure what this time holds for me but I'm hoping it has something to do with a job that enables adventure and supports life, so that I don't have to quit my job every few months when I feel the tug to go...and then come back and start all over again. But that kind of job is rare, and usually comes when you are the owner and can dictate and manage your own time. I can't say that I have a lot of hope for this.
Basically, I think I have been looking for something, but don't know what it is I'm looking for. Looking for the perfect thing to fall out of the sky and land on my lap, something that encompasses everything that I like to do and get paid for it on top of that. And it's been driving me insane. I think it was Einstein who said that insanity is doing something over and over again, and expecting different results.
I need to try something different.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Another Season
I feel like my heart is kind of in the same transition. This change of season thing is something my heart has been used to for a while, as I feel like I am constantly changing "seasons" and going on to new and different things. I kinda feel like a tree that as shed all it's leaves and my feet are stuck in the cold hard gound, with the bitter wind cutting to my bare bones. Not able to warm myself, and knowing that a cold hard winter is on its way, with spring nowhere in sight. I'm praying hard that spring comes early this year, as my bones are cold and tired. I'm ready to see some blossoms spring up in this life, that this tree would find it's beauty again, and live in the fullness of what it was created to be. The seasons are inevitable, I know, but maybe the winter will be shorter this year. I hope.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
John Cena
We entered Cambodia to the north, through a border town called Poi Pet, and stayed the night at a ministry there. As I was going into the building where we were staying, I was followed by a boy, who looked to be about 12 or 13 years old. He was following behind me and saying something in Khmer. I could tell that he wasn't all there, in his head anyway, and he was dirty and had some slobber around his mouth, that was forming a drip and making its way to his chin. I wasn't sure what to do because here was this street boy in the building with me, and I didn't really know the people in this ministry and I wasn't sure how appropriate it was to have this little boy wandering around with me. My fear was quickly absolved when a girl from the ministry rounded the corner, saw the little boy, and broke out a smile and yelled out his name. "John Cena!" A huge smile spread across his face, as the girl introduced me to the infamous John Cena. Thats not his real name, you see, as John Cena is a famous wrestler, it's just a nickname that he somehow earned, and I'm not sure of the story behind it.
I went on to learn that John Cena was actually 17 years old, and was a regular at the ministry. They told us about how when he was born, his mother gave him alcohol to drink instead of milk, and beat him severely for no reason. The scars on the back of his head told this story, as did his lack of motor skills.
But man could this kid smile. He's up there with the best of them, I'm sure.
It broke my heart to see this kid, who did nothing to deserve what he's been dealt. He spends the day begging, and makes enough to be able to buy food, and that's his life. As he sat with us at dinner that night I fought back the tears as I looked upon him and thought about the things stolen from this beautiful child.
John Cena was a beautiful, yet cruel, reminder of the state of this broken country.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Mucho Agua!
And so here we are in Bangkok. The rain fell yesterday as if it was a mission from the clouds to destroy earth. I could picture each little rain drop all kamikazied out, with their little bomber suits on and their bomber goggles on, fist forward like superman, heading towards earth with a mission. It assulted us for hours in the morning, and with nowhere to go, their little bodies piled up, until Bangkok was an ocean. A nasty ocean. There was a weird film on top of the water, as if an oil tanker had overturned and spewed its contents, and as I made my way through the water, it left me feeling like one of those poor little seagulls that you see at an oil spill, all covered in oil. Nasty. I'm praying that I don't wind up with some weird type of hookworm or ringworm or some other type of worm, cause my feet have spent plenty of time in that water so far these past few days. A guy told me that this has been the worst flood that he's seen in 9 years.
Anyway, I'm excited for our time here and to process the last few weeks. It should be interesting as we are working with a ministry that reaches out to the men that come to Thailand as sex tourists. Up until now the ministries that we have visited are reaching out to the women at the bars, instead of the ones creating the demand. I'll keep you posted.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Pattaya, Power, and Frustration.
As we roamed the streets of Pattaya, the women called us in, the shop owners handed us their cards, and the neon lights lit our path. It's almost an overwhelming culmination of noise, as the traffic weaves and moves, horns honk, people converse, and music screams at the night. We found our way to the coast and met a guy named Bon. He tried to sell us drugs to which we politely denied and explained to him the effects of drug use, as he we curious why we didn't want the good stuff. We also talked about Jesus, but he said that he has money, and that he is happy. I think he also made a reference about him having buddha, and thats the "same same" as Jesus.
It was kind of frustrating, because it felt like I had to convince him that he was unhappy, which I didn't do. He says he's happy. He says he has everything he needs. But somehow, I have this feeling that if he had the option, he wouldn't be standing on the street corner selling drugs
It's in these moments of feeling powerless that I realize it's all about the power of God. But amidst my fears and doubts, I often struggle with the understanding of bringing this power into these situations. Do I pray and just believe that the Lord did something, even though I didn't see anything actually happen? Or do I pursue that? Pray and Pray until something happens that I can see with my eyes, or rather, pray until he actually feels the Lord encounter him?
Seems I need to figure out some theology. Or maybe just believe? I can't really say that I've ever had a power encounter with the Lord, but I believe that it can happen. Theology shouldn't be formed around what's not happening(thanks Bill Johnson!), and so is it a consistent pursuit of something that brings it?
What do I do to show Bon the power of God?
Friday, September 4, 2009
If your lookin
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Smiles and Perspective
Thailand is called the "Land of Smiles". It's true, there are lots of smiles here, but I often wonder at what is behind a smile. It is the universal language, as anywhere you go a smile is understood, no matter what language you speak. But a smile doesn't always mean what it portrays. Many, many times in my life I have put a smile on my face, when the reality of my heart was hidden behind the mask. It's just easier to smile and hide things.
I walk these streets and look at the people. So many people all around me, many with smiles. It's sometimes hard to believe the web of oppression in this place. The amount of things done in darkness, under the cover of night. And even during the day.
The problem here is much different then I initially thought. I had a certain image in my head when comming to Thailand about what it was like and I thought I knew all there was to know about the sex trades. But after the last few weeks of conversations with people here on the ground, my perspective is changing. And rightly so. Perspective should change when information goes from narrow to broad. Comming here I had the narrow form of perspective. Narrow amount of information and yet thinking I was learned on the subject. I will try to explain some of the perspective I have gotten in the next few days.
I love gaining new perspective. It changes the heart.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Useless Tears, Useless Fears
How many times do my tears flow, to the sound of something useless? So many. When the tears are spent, and time is taken to ponder why the tears flowed, I sometimes find that they were spent on worthless things. Spent on useless fears that I have allowed to stand in front of my eyes. There are many kinds of tears, of course, to many there is a freedom for, and many that need no apology. But the ones from fear I find flow from a place where I am failing to trust. As if my tears are undermining the faithfulness of the Lord. He is faithful! Why do I fear? I guess part of the journey is learning to trust when I can't see.
I think back on times in my life when I couldn't see, and had fear inside, because my destiny was so unclear. But every time, things always turned out ok, with the exception of the time wasted on fear. Worrying about this and that. It's so useless. Why can't I learn?
For the past week, Billy and I have been in a province of Thailand, spending time with my friend Casey and his family. We have been cruising around in Casey's truck and many times as we were climbing into the back seat where his daughter was located, she would take one look at us and start crying. I just wanted to communicate to her that we weren't there to hurt her but exactly the opposite! We are her friends! But it was impossible to communicate that. No matter how many smiles I threw her way, the tears still flowed. Useless tears.
I wonder if God feels the way I felt. Trying to communicate something, but to no avail. How many times has He tried to communicate to me that there is nothing to fear, but my tears keep flowing. Useless tears for useless fears....
Monday, August 17, 2009
Red Lights and Dignity
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Some Hope
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Thailand, Bhutan, Thailand
Monday, August 3, 2009
What? The Sky is Blue?
This was the view from my hotel room here in Bangkok. It's like this for as far as the eye can see in all directions. This city is immense, and its thick with concrete and people. The first few days were hazy and overcast and I couldn't tell if it was actually cloudy or if it was just the smog that makes its home above this city. I was going to compare it to LA, but it's incomparable. In LA you can escape the smog simply by leaving the city, but here it is all city. Its inescapable. I suppose there is a reason you see so many people wearing masks over their faces. There have been many times already that have been overwhelmingly uncomfortable because of the lack of clean air. My lungs only being able to find diesel fumes to breathe. Mix that with some sweat drenching heat and your likely to pass out, or at least a be a little dizzy. I've had to stop and catch my breath more than once. I had forgotten that the sky was even blue, until about the third day, when I caught it peeking at me through the clouds. I miss the blue skies of South Carolina already.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Bright Alley
Sunday, July 5, 2009
They shot the popsicle man!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Fainting Goats and Senior Citizens
I'm not sure if it's a blogoshere faux pas to repost an old blog but I'm going to do it anyway. I wrote this two years ago and it captures what I was feeling today. I am in the decision making process and couldn't find other words to describe how I feel....
So my sister wants a fainting goat. When scared, the muscles of these goats get stiff, causing them to stop dead in their tracks and fall over. It's actually quite amusing to watch and they provide for some quality entertainment. They fall over and lay belly up, paralyzed with fear. Sometimes they don't fall over and they just get stiff legs and then try to run away. Some, over time, even learn to lean against things so that they don't fall over.
The other night I went along with my family to a dinner with my grandparents and a few members of my extended family. It's a yearly thing, I think, and I felt kinda awkward because the majority of them were in their 70's or 80's, with the exception of my family. Whenever I'm around older people like that I always get kinda sad. I mean, not all the time, just sometimes. I always begin to think about how life goes by in the blink of an eye and how I like being young and how I'm not looking forward to the days of fuzzy slippers, dentures and aches and pains. In reality, I guess being old wont be that bad, it's just that much closer to heaven. Maybe I get sad because I'm just scared that life will be over before I know it. That I'll be eighty and full of regrets, with the grave eagerly awaiting my presence. But as I think about myself at that age, I always wonder what my stories will be. Did I live life to the fullest? Did I learn to love and be loved? Did I see justice spring root, or redemption come near?
As I sat there silently listening to these older folks reciting memories from their journeys, I began to think about those goats. About how fear paralyzes them and keeps them from moving. A lot of my life, as I look back on it, has been lived in fear. Fear of risk, of failure, and even of success. And I concluded right then and there that I did not want to live life belly up and feet in the air. Or even run through it stiff legged. I do not want fear to dictate the paths that I take. Nor do I want to let life pass me by and not have any stories to tell. When I'm eighty and sitting around a table with friends and family, pulling memories from old shelves in my mind, I want to be able tell stories of adventure, hope, and transformation. Of redemption and justice. Not stories of a life lived in fear.
What will your story be?
Friday, June 19, 2009
Another Day, Another Dollar
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Sometimes angels sing
I park beside Joey almost everyday, and when I get out of my car, my eyes always fall on the little white new testament that sits on his front seat. He goes out there and reads during his breaks and for lunch. And everyday, like clockwork, there is Joey, singing his songs. I’ve been meaning to ask Joey where he gets his joy, but I think I already know the answer.
I’m not exactly sure what the role of angels are in this world, but if I’m right, sometimes angels sing.
Thanks for singing Joey. The world is now brighter.